MODx CMS Development

MODx is an Open Source PHP web application framework and Content Management System (CMS), licensed under the GPL that helps you to take control of your online content. MODx helps you to publish content on World Wide Web (www) and intranet, and also helps to build the website exactly as you want to make them.

MODx CMS Development

MODx application framework empowers such a kind of authority to users and MODx developers with the help of which they can control system according to their need and can easily maintain web content chores.

MODx is published in the PHP programming language and uses MySQL database. MODx Development also provides most useful tools and features for designing as they allow you access to rigid functionality that would normally demand technical knowledge.

Our Work

MODx related features that we provide you to create a website

Effective web standard support

Ajax with Web2.0 Features

Create W3C-valid pages

Generate fully XHTML compliant code

Create PHP Application Framework

Provide SEO-friendly URLs and enhance Meta-tag and keyword control

CMS with cross-browser WYSIWYG editors

Strong CSS based menu builder

Edit content from front-end side

Promote Rich Text editors

Web-based graphical user interface

Modx Development Service

Cybermount team is highly qualified and experienced in their job, and empowers its users build and run Web 2.0 sites. We deliver customized MODx development services according to your business requirements. We are active in the MODX development community, and have released several widely used plugins for MODX development.

We offer the Modx Development Service in creating new sites, updating or modifying existing MODx site, optimizing and adding new SEO friendly features. We have experience in improvising the website performance and ensuring the best chance of good rankings for your site in the search engines.

Benefits of MODx

Large community: Excellent community support and plenty of addons already created.

Versatile: A powerful and highly customizable templating system make MODx a pleasure to design for.

Social: Easy-to-integrate social features help you communicate with your audience.